Well.. it sounds fun right? Well for me yeah its fun sebab this is my first time sepanjang aku hidup ni this is my first time travel pergi oversea yang betul oversea.. Macam sebelum ni pergi Bali, Bangkok, Cambodia.. mcm tak rasa sangat since it still Asian ann... but this is truly my first time flyyyy jauh! Weeehuuu... 7 hours in flight okay!
Yeehuu... this time i travel together with my boss. HAHA secara jujurnya I am nervous sebab tak pernahhh pergi sana, taktau cuaca macamana... but since Shafiq - my boss dah biasa pergi sana banyak kali so aku pun macam relaks laa... if not.. sure2 Shafiq akan suruh aku buat research hotel dekat mana... nak kene pergi mana, naik lrt dari mana nak kemana.. best place dekat mana. HAHA so dengan ini aku tak payah nak kena buat research apa - apa aku just follow saja. Hehe.
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I convert my money already before go. Guess what.. aku convert 1k Malaysia and dapat duit depa ciput jaaa.. hahahaha! But honestly aku tak pakai pun 1k aku ni.. sebab makan minum tidur apa semua company support. So i just by souvenir laaa.. tu pun macam takdela beli pun souvenir. HAHA so this 1k takde effect pun. Lucky me and thanks to the company lah. HEHE
Well, untuk baju I try to bring as sebanyak and seboleh yang aku mampu bawak to fit in the weather la. Shafiq cakap dekat sana macam 18-20 degree celcius. So aku just bawak sweater and baju biasa jela. Our flight malam.. so dalam pukul 8pm macamtu Michael hantar kitorang pergi airport...
And here we go!! HAHAHA 7 jammmm wehh dalam flight... first time aku flight 7 jam.. selalu 1-2 jam.. ni 7 jammm aku macam jem kejap. Nasiblah aku laparr aku melantak makan atas flight. HAHA minah sebelah aku Chinese tak silap aku.. duk la selfie2 tak henti2.. makan pun selfie.. apa pun selfie. Hehehe.
Ahha.. yeah aku sampai kt Kingsford Smith Sydney Airport lebih kurang pagi kalau tak silap. Pagi keesokan harinya dalam pukul 10-11 pagi macamtu. Sampaiiii sanaaa... perghh terus macam kene suntikan baru weh.. sejuk plusss nyamannnnn jeeeee.... HAHAHA! Terus ko rasa ko nak senyummmm je sepanjang jalan. Hati membuak-buak hepi plus excited sebab first time rasa bahagia macamni. Walaupun kau travel bukan atas sebab holiday and fun-fun.. but still bila dah pijak tempat baru dan asing macamni.. perasaan dieeee.. perghhhh freshh gila weih! *okay dah start jakun.. mehmehmeh.
Emm okay aku belanja gambar kejappp.. but then aku cerita balik eh. HEHE
First thing after touchdown.. kitorang pergi beli simkad.. Shafiq beli 1 aku beli 1. Optus Yes tak silap aku. Tu je yang paling murah and paling berbaloi internet pun sedap. Haha. But mostly beli 2 kad yang pakai banyak untuk call customer aku nye nombo gak.. kui3...
Dah dapat nombor kitorang, Shafiq decide to take Uber from airport to our hotel... tapiiii.. hahaha since this is new to us la kan... Shafiq cakap takpelahh kita naik teksi. HAHAHA. After around 20min camtu we arrive hotel... letak2 barang luggage yang mahaaa besar .. oh yes for you guys information.. there's a different okay bila kau pergi travel oversea atas dasar travel saja saja dengan travel bekerja. HAHA luggage aku 20kg tu memang berat die berat barang nak shooting jeeee. Macam 95% barang shooting... 5% tu baju aku je. HAHA boleh gituuu? Kikikiiii.... but hell yeahhh berat gilaaaa wei wei weii... sampai kitorang dua kene divide our luggage pas pas barang untuk kasi equal. Hahaha.
And yeah... after check in and letak barang tukar baju etc *tak mandi ok! saya ulang... tak mandi. HAHA * perut dah kruk krik krukkkk... Shafiq pun ajak laaa pergi makan... we eat burger dekat nearby cafe. Sumpahhh burger die besar gila weh! Besar and sedap and juicy gile. 1 dish tu portion die untuk dua orang . Haha..
Recce Location
Okay since tujuan utama pi Sydney ni adalah atas dasar job dan kerja.. so 1st thing 1st.. kene la recce location untuk shooting esok . Haha.. i just bring my go pro with me. Sebab tak de fikir nak shoot apa pun. And aku rasa aku bawak 6d aku je dengan 35mm. Kitorang pun pergilahhh gigih berjalan kaki, naik lrt *if tak silap aku la* ke George Street dimana tempat kitorang nak shoot tu. Dan kau nak tauuu takkk... sebelum nak sampai ke tempat shooting tu which is shopping mall, kitorang adalah sesat dan dapat wrong information about the location. Until laaa aku call Renee which is person yang patut aku contact bila dah sampai Sydney.. die cakap aku dah salah tempat and aku kene follow die nye location. So kitorang yang dah berpusing macam gila ni pun follow laaaaa location die kasi tuuu... and yeahhh jumpa punn!! HAHA
Well aku takde amik gambar Renee tu but to describe her, she is Chinese lady yang duduk di Sydney, and kerja dekat tempat yang kitorang nak shoot ni, Im not sure what is die punya position but surely lah she plays very important role dekat bangunan yang kitorang nak shoot ni. Seeing her, she greet us very nice and yessss.. die bawak kitorang pusing tempat yang kitorang nak shoot ni WHICH IS VERYYYYY BIG! Okay kau melampau lah Ika very big. HAHAHA. But yeahh 3 tingkat dan 27 outlets. To shoot in 3 days. Wuhooooo... dahsyattt... 1 outlets should have 1 story and i got 27 story to tell. Hmm hmm hmmm... aku and Shafiq pun make eye contact kitorang yang aku ngn die je tauuu har har harrr... die macam eye contact yang haahhaaaa matilanakk... xD
Emm after meet with Renee kitorang pun jumpa la Marco which is the owner of the mall... Chinese guy yang jugak duduk di Sydney dah lamaa and manager tempat tu... we had 1 short meeting but pack with many things yang kene buat untuk esok harinya plussss for today jugak. HAHA siapa sangka dan siapa menduga.. dalam niat asal nak recce location tu dah bertukar kepada - okey-mari-kita-start-shoot-kerja-kita-sekarang! Hahaha Marco plan with us to start shoot since kitorang takde apa nak buat *padahal aku ngn shafiq dah plan nak pergi pusing2 bandar Sydney* so dia dengan rela hatinya hantar kitorang balik ofis to pick up all of our equipment to start shooting haritu jugak. HAHA sis dah redha dah since die cakap excited2 tu.. hahahahaha sis takleh nak cakap apa sebab sis orang tengah jeee...
Then here we go, we're having a pre-shooting right before the real shoooot... haritu a whole evening.. and i think so sampai malam.. hahaha
Actually i cannot remember well la but we're having roasted chicken together at the street.. Shafiq beli dekat mart die.. whole chicken okayyy.. HAHA dia siap ajar aku cara nak beli pakai kad... anddd sumpahhh wehh aku rasa very the high tech la... terpegun kejap dengan kemodenan diorang... hummm.. and then we walk together tengok Opera tu... siap amik gambar pakai tripod ha ko rase hahahaha... but whatever it iss.. i am enjoying every moment there.. how we struggle to shoot every outlet inside the mall.. i think so macam dalam 30 kot outlet nak kene cover.. penat weh turun naik atas pergi satu-satu kedai shoot deco and video diorang.. cari idea nak wat video yg macamana... butttt.. sumpah this is 1 of my precious experiencee... sebab aku tak pernah terfikir pun dalam hidup aku... aku dapat shoot video coverage untuk 1 mall di Sydney, Australia.... no need to spend any money pun semua di cover oleh company... and this is very very very precious... thanksss to my ex-boss lah dia give this opportunity eventho actually die boleh bawak Michael pergi kan.. but he choose me.. thanksss a lot! Huaa nak nangis bila ingat balik.. huhu
And that last day.. kitorang jalan n jalan n jalannnnn.... and jalannn sajaa sampai kaki sakit... haha
Im missing Sydney... the weather.. all the elokkss people... foood... big size burgerrr... and the vieww.... sobsss T__T
Im going to spam more pictures of Sydney tapi on different posting kot... weuu... nak kene cari balik gambar2 dekat Sydney...
Then here we go, we're having a pre-shooting right before the real shoooot... haritu a whole evening.. and i think so sampai malam.. hahaha
Actually i cannot remember well la but we're having roasted chicken together at the street.. Shafiq beli dekat mart die.. whole chicken okayyy.. HAHA dia siap ajar aku cara nak beli pakai kad... anddd sumpahhh wehh aku rasa very the high tech la... terpegun kejap dengan kemodenan diorang... hummm.. and then we walk together tengok Opera tu... siap amik gambar pakai tripod ha ko rase hahahaha... but whatever it iss.. i am enjoying every moment there.. how we struggle to shoot every outlet inside the mall.. i think so macam dalam 30 kot outlet nak kene cover.. penat weh turun naik atas pergi satu-satu kedai shoot deco and video diorang.. cari idea nak wat video yg macamana... butttt.. sumpah this is 1 of my precious experiencee... sebab aku tak pernah terfikir pun dalam hidup aku... aku dapat shoot video coverage untuk 1 mall di Sydney, Australia.... no need to spend any money pun semua di cover oleh company... and this is very very very precious... thanksss to my ex-boss lah dia give this opportunity eventho actually die boleh bawak Michael pergi kan.. but he choose me.. thanksss a lot! Huaa nak nangis bila ingat balik.. huhu
And that last day.. kitorang jalan n jalan n jalannnnn.... and jalannn sajaa sampai kaki sakit... haha
Im missing Sydney... the weather.. all the elokkss people... foood... big size burgerrr... and the vieww.... sobsss T__T
Im going to spam more pictures of Sydney tapi on different posting kot... weuu... nak kene cari balik gambar2 dekat Sydney...
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