Hohoho... kali ni tag adelah daripada Sis Nana... aiyyoo.. sangat very the lambat nak buatnyer. Almaklumlar sayer bizi... cewwa... poyoo gile... ngee~ ape ape pun da buat tag ini.. lawak arr... memang lawak... heuu~
1/ If ika were to be mistaken for a celebrity, who will it be?
Kate Voegele.. cos she’s done great with acoustic… sedappp…~ ;P
Kate Voegele.. cos she’s done great with acoustic… sedappp…~ ;P
2/ Would you marry inchik epal??
Ohh nooo…dier da kawen larh! wahahaa
3/ Cikyana is actually isya in disguise, you know?? ?
weiyh..mane bole… lain lar.tak caye tanye dorangs. ngehehe
4/ Who would you rather get stuck in handcuffs with, Amy or Unat?? ?
eh keduanyer aku pilih.. cos keduenyer adelah comel belaka… cewaaa… gituu
5/ What's Shahril to you? ?
Si mangkok yang suke pangkah sayer.. kakaka~ tadelarr.. die adelah kawan yang beshh~ sile la kembang wahai tintin oi;P
6/ Would you marry Ikhmar?? ?
ohh nooo… we’re not lesbo! No and no and no… ngaaahaha
7/ Fana and Amer are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife? ?
Fana lar kan? Cos Fana adelah feremfuan dan Amer adelah keturunan laki laki. Hohoh
8/ Who will win in a duel Wanpok or Cha? And what kind of duel would they pick, anyway? ?
seri satu sama kots… ngaaa… photo snap snap duel. Boleyhhh? Cos keduenyer pandai fotografi. Kehkeh
9/ If you could do anything with Hanni Holila Harahap what would it be?? ?
uyyoo… pe lagi! Gi Indonesia and have cup of coffe larr kat memane.. cewwaaa…
10/ Who's Puteri dating? ?
boy dier la kan? Takkan boy aku lak… har har har
This Tag Fly To: ?
All the name written by me kat atas nih.
Thanks sis! Hihi.. buat lar silela buat tag inih... wajib before aku daulat kat korang. Ngahahaaa.... okey tata~
1 ulasan:
ika berjaya..
lebiu la..
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